Remember middle school sports classes? You play volleyball, run a mile on the track, and ducked before being hit on the face during a strong Dodge Ball game? Physical education has become part of an educational scene for almost 200 years. It is very important that students participate in physical education to keep their minds and bodies in the peak learning conditions. At present, childhood obesity levels climb dangerously to the epidemic level. Therefore, focusing on physical education is more important than before.
The question is how should physical education be done? First, see the history of physical education. Physical education has evolved for years. Physical education is defined as “instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calesthenics exercises to study programs that provide training in cleanliness, gymnastics, and performance and management of athletic games (Merriam-Webster dictionary).” This definition is broad because you can learn some topics ranging from basketball rules to sex education. It depends on the school policy of your country’s education system.
Physical education was officially recognized in the United States in the early 1800s. Colleges and universities began offering physical education programs throughout the 1800s. Finally, in 1866 California was the first to mandate physical education. Many states follow this mandate in the next 30 years. The importance of training the body and mind becomes prevalent in the education system.
The 20th century brought various levels of physical education to each country. The president like Eisenhower and Kennedy promoted physical education and fitness. Children take the President’s fitness test every year to assess their physical fitness level. This emerges from the needs of students A.S. to become physical fit as their European colleagues.
The controversial problem has played an integral role in the history of physical education. For example, in 1972 the title IX prohibits sexual discrimination in schools regarding sports and academics. This allows female athletes to actively participate in team sports other than cheerleaders with financial and emotional support from the school system.
Other controversial problems are sexual education. Has been the subject of intense debate for decades. Each country has a specific guideline about what will be taught and whether students can choose out of the sexual education program. Some states allow students to watch a video of a child born while other countries only discuss abstinence.
The official work of the physical education program has a 200 year history that has become home to controversial problems, social reform, and the welfare of the whole child. Physical education will continue to evolve as the population needs of students change, social attitudes fluctuate, and the flow of education funds to physical education is maintained.